Needle phobia and the fear of needles

Published on 18 April, 2012 by in Anxiety, Phobias


Needle phobia and the fear of needles

Needle phobia and the fear of needles is a common phobia and many times it can be cured in 1-3 sessions. Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie has put a few strategies on this needle phobia video which can help reduce your fear of needles.

For more help to overcome phobia’s please visit

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Spider Phobia Help

Published on 18 April, 2012 by in NLP, Phobias


Spider phobia help

If you have a spider phobia then this video will help you to reduce your fear of spiders. You will need to watch it a few times, also listen to the free stop worrying download.

For more help to overcome phobia’s please visit,

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Bird phobia and fear of birds

If you have a fear of birds then this video will help you to understand what you may be doing in your mind and what you can do using NLP to change that thought process to free you from your fear of birds.

For more help to overcome phobia’s please visit,

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I can’t be hypnotised a hypnotist told me !

I can’t be hypnotised, a hypnotist told me I’m un-hypnotisable.

Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams has heard this often and in this video explains why it is untrue. Everyone can go into a hypnotic trance.

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How to get to sleep

How to get to sleep when you mind refuses to shut up. This self help hypnotherapy and NLP based video by Birmingham hypnotherapist will help you to unwind at night time and help you to get to sleep.

If you’ve suffered from sleep problems and insomnia then you know how awful and out of sorts it makes you feel. Time to change this right now.

In this ‘how to get to sleep’ video Debbie Williams teaches you strategies to curb your mind chatter, slowing it down so that you drift of to sleep more easily and more often.

How to get to sleep: more help

My free self help hypnotherapy recording ‘Stop worrying and create a wonderful life will also help you to get a good nights sleep. Please sign up in the box to the right and get your free hypnotherapy download right away.

Hypnotherapy Debbie Williams style

I believe you can retrain yourself how to get to sleep and insomnia is one of the most common issues I get to help people with in my Birmingham NLP and hypnotherapy practice.

This is how I help people to get a good nights sleep, this work involves two main strategies. The first is to train the mind to think and behave sleepily when it is time for sleep.

This is teaching you exactly how to alter your the way you do your thoughts (whatever they are). using NLP. Hypnosis is also used to simply suggest, via a host of techniques , that you sleep when appropriate.

Either approach has been successful for people. I use both approaches as a combination of the two seems to be the most effective.

More free help here

There is lots of help on this website which if you watch and listen to will help you to be able to get to sleep. Feel free to suggest ideas for other videos which can help you.

Please sign up to get your free hypnotherapy recording.

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Pain relief

Pain relief, whether the pain is physical or emotional may be possible by training your mind to ask the miracle question.

Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams talks about the miracle question and one of the times on her ‘Solution focused therapy course’ she taught at Solihull College a participant revealed what the miracle question had done for her, helping her out of a toxic and seemingly hopeless situation.

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Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics help

This short video explains the importance of having a strategy or plan in your quest to overcome your eating problems.

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics all have their battles and issues with food to the point where it can consume their whole day constantly obsessing about food, thinking about it.

If the thought of food and eating and body size and worries  never leaves your conscious awareness for long, then its time to do something about it.

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics – answer is the same

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics – answer is the same and that is to learn to eat as a naturally lean, healthy happy person does and to model their thoughts, feelings and behaviours around food.

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics also need to have a plan with behavioural style goals rather than weigh on the scales as a measurement.

By that I mean goals to eat in accordance with the actual size of ones stomach and to have a plan with the focus towards healthy natural food the body recognises and is able to use as well as some so called ‘naughty’ or ‘junk’ food.

The ratio being ideally 90% healthy 10 % not so good food which we need at times to let us know we can have something that feeds our soul.

Learn to be in tune with your body’s true needs

Your body needs healthy foods it can use. Many times a craving can be sent out when the body senses something is missing, Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics often mistake this as hunger and overeat the wrong foods and shortly after the same cycle continues over and over.

Autopsies in America have shown that people were overfed (fat) yet were showing signs of malnutrition.

Having a plan of healthy foods which are nutrient dense yet calorie poor, in other words fruits, salads and vegetables and making friends with the plant kingdom ensures you are eating lower down on the food chain.

It takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of beef. This will mean you will be benefiting from 16 pounds of grain or soya which will have been sprayed with any number of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals, which I don’t think is good for us.

If you eat when you are stressed then my free stop worrying recording may help. There are also lots of free videos on this website to help you.


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Plan to eat normally again

This short video gives you advice to have a strategy or plan to teach yourself how to eat normally again. Just like learning to drive requires lessons or getting a degree needs study,learning what ‘normal’ healthy eaters do naturally can be taught and mastered to replace old negative behaviours you may be have with food.

Many weight loss clients as well as binge eaters, over eaters and bulimics and those with issues around foods have either forgotten (or never knew) how to eat normally.

Eating normally again, why plan?

Why have a plan to eat normally again you may ask, well there is a saying ‘most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan’ and it’s true most people spend more time planning their holiday than they do planning a happy fulfilling life.

What is eating normally?

If you have issues with food and struggle with weight or binge eating then you may feel totally lost on what its like to eat as a normal person does. This can be a scary place to be.

I eat for just about any old reason!

You may have trained yourself albeit unconsciously to eat for all sorts of reasons using food as a panacea for your feelings and emotions.

Tiredness is a big trigger to overeat and having a plan to get to bed earlier for more sleep can really make a positive difference in your eating habits.

Boredom eating is another trigger for overeating and having a list to which you keep adding ideas to of ‘all the things I’d do if only I had the time’  means you have a plan in black and white of what you can do when you suddenly feel bored and the kitchen cupboards start to call you.

Learning to eat normally again for some will be easy, yet for others it may seem like the biggest challenge in your life.

There is a lot of free info on this site with tips to help which may be all you need to re-learn to eat normally again and if you feel you need more help please check out my web shop as it has lots of more in-depth hypnotherapy recordings to help you.

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Critical parent; help to cope

If you had/have a critical parent and they still seem to impact negatively on your life, then this simple strategy will help to transform the way you think about them. Even parents who were abusive towards us, this may help release you from some of the pain.

Being criticised is hard to take

Any form of criticism can be hard to take and coming from a critical parent can impact on your sense of self.

Luckily, using NLP we can change the way we feel about this by how we ‘re-frame’ them in our mind.

There are other video’s on this site teaching you how to change your internal dialog, they also will really help you.

Stuck with their criticism

It can seem as if we have our ‘critical parent’ inside our mind constantly chastising us and telling us our faults. This does wonders for our self esteem…Not!

Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams shares on this video a simple ‘shift’ in the way you think can make all the difference.

Questions to transform the criticism

Questions we can ask to transform the hold a critical parent has on us includes;

What have they taught me?

It could even be ‘how not to be’ if that makes sense. One client of mine had been treated dreadfully, I mean dreadfully, not only by her mother but other family members, yet she has become a fantastic mother as she knows what not to do!

What useful things have they given me?

I’m not talking about material things, more so about character traits, maybe stubbornness , ability to stand your ground or maybe you’ve cultured kindness as they were not kind to you.

What have you not thought about until now, that you have learned from your critical parent that has been a huge asset to you?

Critical parent list

Start a list about your critical parents traits, lessons and useful things you have learned to do, or not do because of them.

Also get your free stop worrying recording as it has a worry buster machine in the trance where you can dump the garbage you want to get rid of leaving you lighter and freer.


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Stop being greedy

If you have a tendency to be greedy and overeat like its going out of fashion, then this short hypnotherapy trance video ‘stop being greedy’ will help re-programme your mind at the unconscious level to let go of the ‘greedy’ habit/behavior you engage in.

‘I’m greedy with food’

‘I’m greedy with my food’ is a phrase Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams hears often. It is a common problem with binge eaters, over eaters, bulimic’s and people who want to lose weight.

Surprisingly it can be a big problem for many, who appear to the outside world that they have got their act together. This is partially because a huge variety of food is available to us nowadays. It is marketing, advertised and literally shoved in our face everywhere we look.

Even very lean people can pick up bad habits from others and find themselves being greedy with their food and unable to stop.

Help to stop being greedy video

The video here is a light hypnotherapy trance which if listened to often can help you to stop being greedy, tranceforming this negative habit to a more resourceful way.

You will start to connect the dots together so that when you do overeat you are able to link the unpleasant feelings of fullness after you have been greedy with the desire or trigger that makes you overeat.

Once your brain connects how the greedy habit makes you feel overtime with the urge to be greedy, then a better choice is easier to make.

Hypnotherapy for overeating and being greedy

Birmingham based hypnotherapist Debbie Williams has recorded lots of free videos on this site using NLP and hypnotherapy to help you with your issues with food.

Weight loss trances, stopping binge eating trances and so much more.

Also Debbie has many low cost self help hypnotherapy recordings which can help with this sometimes complex issue.

Titles including;

Stop overeating

Weight loss made easy

Lean for life

Stop eating chocolate

Stop binge eating

Beat bulimia

Exercise and enjoy it

Stop smoking and stay slim

These recordings are like having a one to one with Debbie for a fraction of the cost (from £15)

Also please sign up and get your free hypnotherapy recording ”Stop worrying and create a wonderful life’



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