Plan to eat normally again

This short video gives you advice to have a strategy or plan to teach yourself how to eat normally again. Just like learning to drive requires lessons or getting a degree needs study,learning what ‘normal’ healthy eaters do naturally can be taught and mastered to replace old negative behaviours you may be have with food.

Many weight loss clients as well as binge eaters, over eaters and bulimics and those with issues around foods have either forgotten (or never knew) how to eat normally.

Eating normally again, why plan?

Why have a plan to eat normally again you may ask, well there is a saying ‘most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan’ and it’s true most people spend more time planning their holiday than they do planning a happy fulfilling life.

What is eating normally?

If you have issues with food and struggle with weight or binge eating then you may feel totally lost on what its like to eat as a normal person does. This can be a scary place to be.

I eat for just about any old reason!

You may have trained yourself albeit unconsciously to eat for all sorts of reasons using food as a panacea for your feelings and emotions.

Tiredness is a big trigger to overeat and having a plan to get to bed earlier for more sleep can really make a positive difference in your eating habits.

Boredom eating is another trigger for overeating and having a list to which you keep adding ideas to of ‘all the things I’d do if only I had the time’  means you have a plan in black and white of what you can do when you suddenly feel bored and the kitchen cupboards start to call you.

Learning to eat normally again for some will be easy, yet for others it may seem like the biggest challenge in your life.

There is a lot of free info on this site with tips to help which may be all you need to re-learn to eat normally again and if you feel you need more help please check out my web shop as it has lots of more in-depth hypnotherapy recordings to help you.   http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/cds_food_eating_issues.htm

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