Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics help

This short video explains the importance of having a strategy or plan in your quest to overcome your eating problems.

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics all have their battles and issues with food to the point where it can consume their whole day constantly obsessing about food, thinking about it.

If the thought of food and eating and body size and worries  never leaves your conscious awareness for long, then its time to do something about it.

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics – answer is the same

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics – answer is the same and that is to learn to eat as a naturally lean, healthy happy person does and to model their thoughts, feelings and behaviours around food.

Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics also need to have a plan with behavioural style goals rather than weigh on the scales as a measurement.

By that I mean goals to eat in accordance with the actual size of ones stomach and to have a plan with the focus towards healthy natural food the body recognises and is able to use as well as some so called ‘naughty’ or ‘junk’ food.

The ratio being ideally 90% healthy 10 % not so good food which we need at times to let us know we can have something that feeds our soul.

Learn to be in tune with your body’s true needs

Your body needs healthy foods it can use. Many times a craving can be sent out when the body senses something is missing, Binge eaters, overeaters and bulimics often mistake this as hunger and overeat the wrong foods and shortly after the same cycle continues over and over.

Autopsies in America have shown that people were overfed (fat) yet were showing signs of malnutrition.

Having a plan of healthy foods which are nutrient dense yet calorie poor, in other words fruits, salads and vegetables and making friends with the plant kingdom ensures you are eating lower down on the food chain.

It takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of beef. This will mean you will be benefiting from 16 pounds of grain or soya which will have been sprayed with any number of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals, which I don’t think is good for us.

If you eat when you are stressed then my free stop worrying recording may help. There are also lots of free videos on this website to help you.


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