Compulsive overeating

If you are a compulsive overeater then this video will help you to control those urges to overeat. Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams shares with you a simple yet very powerful tip on how to ride over those urges to overeat.

Procrastination helps with compulsive overeating

Procrastination can really help with overeating. Who would of thought procrastination could be your friend? Watch the video as Debbie explains how you can use it to help you to stop overeating.

Well it can be when you use it to help you break the habit of compulsive overeating.

What if you said to that thought ‘I want to eat…NOW’ a simple reply of ‘Yes OK but not now, later’ and you kept repeating that phrase ‘yes OK not now, later’ over and over until the urge subsided?

Compulsive overeating urges only last a few minutes

Compulsive overeating urges only last a few minutes and if you have a strategy to distract yourself for those few minutes the urges will go.

Compulsive overeating is like an addiction or a habit that many compulsive overeaters just do, not realising that if you were to add up the amount of times those urges last in a day it would only be minutes.

That said compulsive overeaters spend nearly all their time thinking and obsessing about food except when they are actually eating!

How bizarre, but true. How many times after the first few mouthfuls of food you go into a sort of trance and are eating unconsciously.

Compulsive overeaters are in a trance

Compulsive overeaters are in a trance. It’s as if another part of the mind has taken over and the compulsive overeating begins. This is why using good hypnotherapy and NLP can help change your compulsion to overeat at the deepest level.

With hypnotherapy and NLP there are the tools to set up strategies to learn to eat as a lean, healthy happy person does gradually overriding the old compulsive overeating pattern.

Please check out the many videos on this website which can help you to overcome your compulsive overeating to give you the freedom you deserve.

I have also many very inexpensive hypnotherapy downloads or CD’s which can support you too including my ‘Stop overeating’ recording http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_overeating.htm

You don’t need to buy it from me though as there are many free hypnotherapy video’s and downloads which may be enough for you to stop your compulsive overeating. If you havn’t got your stop worrying recording please sign up and download it right away.

You will then receive my monthly online coaching email helping you stay on track with your goals.



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Overeating help to stop

If you overeat and want help to stop then there are many videos here which will help you to curb your overeating by using NLP and hypnotherapy to help your ‘mind’ to become a normal healthy eater.

Watch this video with tips to avoid overeating, see also the free hypnosis videos with help to stop overeating , some include sending the false appetite away on holiday for good. This will help by programming your mind to ‘not overeat’ as much as you may be doing at the moment, to start to change your overeating habit.

The more you watch the videos about stopping overeating the quicker you will see positive progress.


Overeating help with a simple tip

Overeating can be a habit and so the simple tip Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams shares on this video can be used as part of an overall strategy to stop you from overeating.

Sometimes we overeat when we are bored or tired or maybe a certain time or day/month seems to trigger us to get into overeating mode, so to counteract this we need to have a back up plan to stop ourselves from habitually overeating .

There is a saying most people don’t plan to fail they fail to plan and so having a plan of things to do when the urge to overeat strikes can be very effective in diverting your mind onto other things.

Stopping overeating isn’t easy

Stopping overeating isn’t easy as there are temptations and triggers all around us. NLP and hypnosis can help you win the battle of urges to overeat as it talks directly to the unconscious mind where many decisions have been made and set on auto-pilot.

You have had the experience of overeating when you know you are not hungry and this is powered by some unconscious pattern. And on many occasions you may feel totally frustrated where this behaviour is coming from.

Please check out the many videos on this website which can help you to overcome your compulsive overeating to give you the freedom you deserve.

I’ve recorded many hypnotherapy downloads or CD’s which can support you too including my ‘Stop overeating’ recording which is only £15 http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_overeating.htm

There are many free hypnotherapy video’s and downloads which may be enough for you to stop your compulsive overeating so you may not need to buy the stop overeating recording from me.

If you havn’t got your stop worrying recording please sign up and download it right away. You will then receive my monthly online coaching email helping you stay on track with your goals.



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