Plan to eat normally again

This short video gives you advice to have a strategy or plan to teach yourself how to eat normally again. Just like learning to drive requires lessons or getting a degree needs study,learning what ‘normal’ healthy eaters do naturally can be taught and mastered to replace old negative behaviours you may be have with food.

Many weight loss clients as well as binge eaters, over eaters and bulimics and those with issues around foods have either forgotten (or never knew) how to eat normally.

Eating normally again, why plan?

Why have a plan to eat normally again you may ask, well there is a saying ‘most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan’ and it’s true most people spend more time planning their holiday than they do planning a happy fulfilling life.

What is eating normally?

If you have issues with food and struggle with weight or binge eating then you may feel totally lost on what its like to eat as a normal person does. This can be a scary place to be.

I eat for just about any old reason!

You may have trained yourself albeit unconsciously to eat for all sorts of reasons using food as a panacea for your feelings and emotions.

Tiredness is a big trigger to overeat and having a plan to get to bed earlier for more sleep can really make a positive difference in your eating habits.

Boredom eating is another trigger for overeating and having a list to which you keep adding ideas to of ‘all the things I’d do if only I had the time’  means you have a plan in black and white of what you can do when you suddenly feel bored and the kitchen cupboards start to call you.

Learning to eat normally again for some will be easy, yet for others it may seem like the biggest challenge in your life.

There is a lot of free info on this site with tips to help which may be all you need to re-learn to eat normally again and if you feel you need more help please check out my web shop as it has lots of more in-depth hypnotherapy recordings to help you.   http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/cds_food_eating_issues.htm

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Stop being greedy

If you have a tendency to be greedy and overeat like its going out of fashion, then this short hypnotherapy trance video ‘stop being greedy’ will help re-programme your mind at the unconscious level to let go of the ‘greedy’ habit/behavior you engage in.

‘I’m greedy with food’

‘I’m greedy with my food’ is a phrase Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams hears often. It is a common problem with binge eaters, over eaters, bulimic’s and people who want to lose weight.

Surprisingly it can be a big problem for many, who appear to the outside world that they have got their act together. This is partially because a huge variety of food is available to us nowadays. It is marketing, advertised and literally shoved in our face everywhere we look.

Even very lean people can pick up bad habits from others and find themselves being greedy with their food and unable to stop.

Help to stop being greedy video

The video here is a light hypnotherapy trance which if listened to often can help you to stop being greedy, tranceforming this negative habit to a more resourceful way.

You will start to connect the dots together so that when you do overeat you are able to link the unpleasant feelings of fullness after you have been greedy with the desire or trigger that makes you overeat.

Once your brain connects how the greedy habit makes you feel overtime with the urge to be greedy, then a better choice is easier to make.

Hypnotherapy for overeating and being greedy

Birmingham based hypnotherapist Debbie Williams has recorded lots of free videos on this site using NLP and hypnotherapy to help you with your issues with food.

Weight loss trances, stopping binge eating trances and so much more.

Also Debbie has many low cost self help hypnotherapy recordings which can help with this sometimes complex issue.

Titles including;

Stop overeating http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_overeating.htm

Weight loss made easy http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/weight_loss_made_easy.htm

Lean for life http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/lean_for_life.htm

Stop eating chocolate  http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_chocolate_addiction.htm

Stop binge eating http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_binge_eating.htm

Beat bulimia http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/beat_bulimia.htm

Exercise and enjoy it http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/exercise_and_enjoy_it.htm

Stop smoking and stay slim http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_smoking.htm

These recordings are like having a one to one with Debbie for a fraction of the cost (from £15)

Also please sign up and get your free hypnotherapy recording ”Stop worrying and create a wonderful life’



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Exercise and enjoy it; belly dancing?

Many of us have an aversion to exercise as we think it’s going to be ‘painful’ and phrases like ‘no pain no gain’ don’t help either.

As children we never really thought about it, even the sedentary child moved – a lot.

Yet today with being driven to school and hours in front of some box, the TV or play station movement is dramatically reduced.

Could belly dancing be the answer?

You have to find an exercise that is fun and enjoyable and belly dancing does tick those boxes.

Not only that, belly dancing massages all the internal organs as you will see if you have a go with some of the moves in this short belly dancing instructional video. This helps with digestion as well as toning up the core muscles in the body and ultimately strengthening the back.

Can’t be bad!

Go on I dare you; try following the belly dancing moves

Have you had a go? What if you committed to practicing some belly dancing each day?

Or looked for a belly dance class in your area?

‘Belly dancing is my fun job’ says Birmingham belly dancing teacher Debbie Williams who also is a NLP trainer and hypnotherapist. Debbie uses accelerated learning techniques and NLP to help students learn belly dancing in a fun easy way.

Belly dancing; not from Birmingham

If you fancy belly dancing but are not from Birmingham you can still learn in the comfort of your own home as I’ve put a couple of belly dancing choreography’s online. here are the links;



Or if you are in the Birmingham area come along to a belly dance class.


Belly dancing will tone you up

Belly dancing will tone you up, and its more challenging than you think. Go on have a go, you know you want to.

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Law of attraction

Law of attraction made popular from the movie ‘The secret ‘ Rhonda Byrne is the inspiration for the free ‘Law of attraction’ video.

Planting suggestions of being in the right place at the right time.

Feeling you life is in flow and you are attracting to yourself your hopes and  dreams.

Law of attraction; being in flow

Law of attraction allows you to be in flow when you attune yourself to who you really are.

When you allow yourself to release all the worries, concerns and busyness which takes up your day then life becomes easier and easier.

You find you can begin to live your life in the miracle zone.

Law of attraction trance

This law of attraction trance by Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams will help you to harness the power of your mind to create greater things in your life.

Law of attraction; thoughts are things

The law of attraction states thoughts are things and what you think about you bring about.

You get in your life more of what you focus on. Think about it now and try not to think of the colour blue.

Have you not thought about it?  How many times do you feel you are working on your ‘issue’ and getting no-where with it?

Could it be that you are focusing continually on the problem but not the solution?

Law of attraction an example

An example of the law of attraction is of many private clients who come to me with issues with food.

They say to me ‘I just want to stop binge eating ‘ or ‘I don’t want to be fat’ or ‘I just can’t stop eating’ . I help them to change their focus to learn to eat as a lean, healthy happy person does ensuring they work towards a goal that feels more positive and moves away from the dieting watching your weight model.

Please download your ‘stop worrying and create a wonderful life recording’ if you havn’t already.

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I’ve binged my day is ruined

If you’ve had a binge eating episode, then many times the desire to just give up and give in the the binge eating behaviour is so great that you ruin the rest of the day ( or maybe even several days ) by just carrying on binging and binging.

Binge eaters and bulimic’s tend to see things in black and white and view a binge as evidence of failure to stick to their ‘diet’ which also is usually very strict with the emphasise on being good.

This gives no room to have the occasional ‘treat’ as that is deemed to be ‘bad’

Binge eating; black and white, good and bad

Binge eating; black and white thinking, either/or or good or bad.

When you think this way you are blind to all the shades of grey in-between the black and white spectrum of thought.

Please watch the video over and over to help yourself to realise you may be ‘stuck’ in this extreme form of thinking about food, eating, weight and binge eating.

Don’t let a binge ruin your day

Don’t let a binge ruin your day please bookmark this and come back and watch it if you find you have binged and ‘know’ you are heading down a very destructive path for the rest of the day ( or week).

Diets may have taught you to view food as good of bad and it’s time to change that mentality. And it is ‘mental’ as diets don’t work. They have a failure rate of over 90%.

I changed the name of my ‘weight loss made easy’ course to ‘lean for life’ as it was more accurate as I believe a better system to follow is to ‘model’ and ‘copy’ what naturally lean people do.

Even better to follow what naturally lean, healthy and happy people do which covers mind body and spirit.

Please watch any video that may help you with your goals and sign up for your free hypnosis download ‘stop worrying and create a wonderful life’


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Free weight loss hypnotherapy

Please use this free weight loss hypnotherapy trance on this video to help you to stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Debbie Williams, a hypnotherapist from Birmingham, UK  has helped 1000’s over the years to not only lose weight but to be lean for life by changing your attitude towards food and weight loss, so that weight loss becomes the side effect of changing the way you ‘feel’ and ‘behave’ towards food.

Paul McKenna’s assistant for many years

Now Birmingham based, Debbie has helped Paul McKenna for many, many years. Paul has referred countless clients to Debbie over the years and she has assisted him on over fifty NLP practitioner, NLP master practitioner, NLP trainer training, hypnosis in depth as well as his easy weight loss courses.

Debbie also has ran her own ‘weight loss made easy’ courses as well as ‘healthy living’ and ‘lean for life’ courses.

Debbie herself was overweight as a child and has used NLP and hypnosis to ‘cure’ herself of her unhealthy habits and to overcome her bulimia and binge eating which plagued her life.

She has been free for over 15 years and continues to help others to overcome their issues either working one to one of with her self help recordings in which her goal is to be able to help more people to have access to what has worked for her and her clients at a very affordable cost. ( from £15)http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_binge_eating.htm

 Weight loss short hypnosis video

This short hypnosis video can be listened to when you only have a few minutes to spare.

It will enable you to switch of for a few moments from your busy day and may well be enough to re-set your motivation and determination to stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Listen to it often and check out the many other videos and resources on this site including your free ‘stop worrying’ download which will also enable you to receive Debbie’s monthly coaching newsletter to motivate you to achieve your goals.

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Stop eating bread

Published on 31 March, 2012 by in Addictions, Eating Disorders, Weight Loss


Stop eating bread

”I’m addicted to bread and I can stop eating bread once I start, can you help me to ‘not’ eat so much bread” This is a request I’ve been asked many times over the years. Finding that bread seems to control you rather than the other way around can sabotage any weight loss efforts.

Watch the video and close your eyes and let me programme your unconscious to reduce your desires and craving for bread.

Bread addiction is common

An addiction to bread where you feel you cannot stop eating it once you start is quite a common addiction.

Luckily by using the aversion technique that Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams demonstrates on the video above will help neutralise your bread cravings, still allowing you to enjoy bread but in a more ‘normal’ way.

NLP for bread addiction

NLP for bread addiction will give you back control over your cravings where you can look at bread and take it or leave it.

Please watch the ‘stop eating bread’ video a few times when you won’t be disturbed and allow your imagination to follow Debbie’s instructions so that your mind learns to link bread as an OK food not the be all and end all.


Watch the stop eating bread video all the way through…

Warning please watch the ‘stop eating bread ” video all the way through because if you only watch the first few minutes it may increase your cravings for bread!

This is very important as Debbie is linking in your mind to think ‘bread oh yes I love it, but no I don’t really want any right now’ This takes the whole of the video to be effective. Even better watch the video a few times so your mind ‘gets it’

Please, if you havn’t already sign up to get your free ‘stop worrying ‘ recording and my monthly coaching newsletter helping you to stay on track with your goals.

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Compulsive overeating

If you are a compulsive overeater then this video will help you to control those urges to overeat. Birmingham hypnotherapist Debbie Williams shares with you a simple yet very powerful tip on how to ride over those urges to overeat.

Procrastination helps with compulsive overeating

Procrastination can really help with overeating. Who would of thought procrastination could be your friend? Watch the video as Debbie explains how you can use it to help you to stop overeating.

Well it can be when you use it to help you break the habit of compulsive overeating.

What if you said to that thought ‘I want to eat…NOW’ a simple reply of ‘Yes OK but not now, later’ and you kept repeating that phrase ‘yes OK not now, later’ over and over until the urge subsided?

Compulsive overeating urges only last a few minutes

Compulsive overeating urges only last a few minutes and if you have a strategy to distract yourself for those few minutes the urges will go.

Compulsive overeating is like an addiction or a habit that many compulsive overeaters just do, not realising that if you were to add up the amount of times those urges last in a day it would only be minutes.

That said compulsive overeaters spend nearly all their time thinking and obsessing about food except when they are actually eating!

How bizarre, but true. How many times after the first few mouthfuls of food you go into a sort of trance and are eating unconsciously.

Compulsive overeaters are in a trance

Compulsive overeaters are in a trance. It’s as if another part of the mind has taken over and the compulsive overeating begins. This is why using good hypnotherapy and NLP can help change your compulsion to overeat at the deepest level.

With hypnotherapy and NLP there are the tools to set up strategies to learn to eat as a lean, healthy happy person does gradually overriding the old compulsive overeating pattern.

Please check out the many videos on this website which can help you to overcome your compulsive overeating to give you the freedom you deserve.

I have also many very inexpensive hypnotherapy downloads or CD’s which can support you too including my ‘Stop overeating’ recording http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_overeating.htm

You don’t need to buy it from me though as there are many free hypnotherapy video’s and downloads which may be enough for you to stop your compulsive overeating. If you havn’t got your stop worrying recording please sign up and download it right away.

You will then receive my monthly online coaching email helping you stay on track with your goals.



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Overeating help to stop

If you overeat and want help to stop then there are many videos here which will help you to curb your overeating by using NLP and hypnotherapy to help your ‘mind’ to become a normal healthy eater.

Watch this video with tips to avoid overeating, see also the free hypnosis videos with help to stop overeating , some include sending the false appetite away on holiday for good. This will help by programming your mind to ‘not overeat’ as much as you may be doing at the moment, to start to change your overeating habit.

The more you watch the videos about stopping overeating the quicker you will see positive progress.


Overeating help with a simple tip

Overeating can be a habit and so the simple tip Birmingham hypnotherapist and NLP trainer Debbie Williams shares on this video can be used as part of an overall strategy to stop you from overeating.

Sometimes we overeat when we are bored or tired or maybe a certain time or day/month seems to trigger us to get into overeating mode, so to counteract this we need to have a back up plan to stop ourselves from habitually overeating .

There is a saying most people don’t plan to fail they fail to plan and so having a plan of things to do when the urge to overeat strikes can be very effective in diverting your mind onto other things.

Stopping overeating isn’t easy

Stopping overeating isn’t easy as there are temptations and triggers all around us. NLP and hypnosis can help you win the battle of urges to overeat as it talks directly to the unconscious mind where many decisions have been made and set on auto-pilot.

You have had the experience of overeating when you know you are not hungry and this is powered by some unconscious pattern. And on many occasions you may feel totally frustrated where this behaviour is coming from.

Please check out the many videos on this website which can help you to overcome your compulsive overeating to give you the freedom you deserve.

I’ve recorded many hypnotherapy downloads or CD’s which can support you too including my ‘Stop overeating’ recording which is only £15 http://www.debbiewilliamsassociates.co.uk/stop_overeating.htm

There are many free hypnotherapy video’s and downloads which may be enough for you to stop your compulsive overeating so you may not need to buy the stop overeating recording from me.

If you havn’t got your stop worrying recording please sign up and download it right away. You will then receive my monthly online coaching email helping you stay on track with your goals.



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